Duo Raugh Trail Malice 150


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If the original Malice 130 is a heavyweight lure with heavyweight off-shore performance, imagine what the new Malice 150 can do! Imitating a bigger bait fish and providing even better castability, the new 150 has to be tried to be believed. One of its main features is its beautiful fall, a slow horizontal falling action imitating the moves of injured prey. The excitement of this heavyweight starts with the first cast!
Malice is a jig-minnow designed for the casting game off-shore targeting tuna, bonito and other predatory species. The key to targeting these species is the “horizontal fall”. In addition, one must consider the buoyancy and drag from the use of fat shock-leaders. In order to increase the castability, it has been loaded with a heavy weight setting. However, we needed the lure to have contradicting characteristics of heavy weight and slow sinking. We are confident that once anglers get a hold of the Malice you will understand the craftsmanship that has gone into the natural looking form. Although it has a slim body, the drag against the body will enable angler to stage a dead-fish like slow falling action. The weight balance has been fine tuned to overcome the contradicting characteristics.

Even with high specific gravity, thanks to aerodynamic designs Malice 150 has an outstanding castability even with a thick leader. With an appealing horizontal fall, Malice 150 will produce bite opportunities at times where nothing else works. The key to this game is the split moment of sinking after it hits the water. This lure has been designed to capitalize on this split second.

U poređjenju sa svojim predhodnikom (Duo Raugh Traili Malice 130) Duo Raugh Trail Malice 150 je dobio na veličini I težini čime se postigla još veća daljina zabacaja, zadržavši sve karakteristike predhodnika.
Duo Raugh Trail Malice 150 je jig-minnow dizajniran za lov na otvorenom koji kao ciljnu grupu ima tune, palamide, zubace I ostale vrste predatora. Ključ za targetiranje ovih vrsta riba je njegov “horizontalni pad”.

Da bi se maksimizirala daljina zabacaja varalica je maksimalno otežana za svoju veličinu.

Nakon pada u vodu varalica realistično oponoša sporo tonjenje mrtve ribe.

Dužina: 150mm
Težina: 70gr
Tip: Heavy Sinking
Udice: #1/0



Dodatne informacije

Težina 0,1 kg



Jigging, Morski ribolov, Spin & Predator


AHA0109-Mackerel-HD, AOA0220-Astro-Red-Head, CDA0009-Solid-Pink-Back, CHA0011-Sardine, CHA0114-Clear-Anchovy, CHA0140-Ocean-Blue-Back, CHA0183-Vivid-Sardine-RB


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